Drinking Water
The system is making water and re-filling the storage tank.
Kinetico drinking water systems do not have a bypass valve so if needed, the water to supply to the unit will have to be shut-off. Follow the line from the drinking water system to where it ties into the other plumbing. Normally that is where the shut-off is. If you need further assistance locating the shut-off, please contact us.
The Faucet
You may have an air-gap faucet due to the specific plumbing codes in your area. This is a normal sound of an air-gap faucet
You have an air-gap faucet that was installed due to the specific plumbing codes in your area. When water starts seeping out of the hole, the drain line is plugged. Don’t worry, this isn’t a malfunction. It is a normal function of the faucet and the drain line must be cleared to stop the leak.
You can take the “gooseneck” off by unscrewing its base (small ring right above the faucet base). Be sure that the lever on the faucet base, that turns the water flow off and on, is closed so no water will spray when you remove the gooseneck. A small bit of water will dribble out when you remove the faucet. Soak it in a mild bleach/water mix for approximately 20 minutes. You can also use a cotton swab or cleaning brush to clean the inside. Make sure to thoroughly rinse the faucet in plain water before re-installing. And, turn on the drinking water faucet and let the water flow for a few seconds before taking that first drink.
Simply, taste and pressure. If you notice a difference in how your water tastes or if the water pressure from the drinking water faucet decreases, please contact us. It may be as simple as needing new filters.
When a filter change is required, you will notice a dramatic reduction in the flow of water. The system’s Puremometer will also indicate that it’s time for a filter change. The filters typically last for 500 gallons, so for the average family of four, this is approximately nine months to one year. Larger families or high usage of the drinking water will require filter changes more frequently.
The type of filters you require is dependent on your household’s water supply. This information is located on the inside of the panel of the drinking water system. Although you can change the filters yourself, we recommend that you contact us for assistance. We will be able to determine the exact filters your particular system requires. We’ll even come out and change the filters for you so at the same time, we can sanitize the system, check your water and make sure your system is functioning properly. (Sanitization of the system is required every two years.) If you choose to install the new filters yourself, carefully follow the instructions found in your owner’s manual. Should your water quality change over time, Kinetico has a wide range of specialty filters to treat a variety of water issues.
Contact us! Even if you’re unsure of what you need, we will be able to determine the type of filters your system requires by checking your installation and service history. Also, you may want to keep a spare set of filters on hand. We have a salt and accessory sale on the last Saturday of every month. This is a great way to stock up on supplies at a discounted rate.
This is a personal decision. While high quality water is being delivered to your refrigerator (if installed from your drinking water system), you will need to refer to your refrigerator’s owner’s manual to determine the risks involved in removing the refrigerator filter.
Soft Water
If only the hot water smells, not the cold, this is due to the anode rod in the hot water tank. Soft water erodes the metallic anode rod and creates a gas that causes the smell. To solve this problem, contact the manufacture of the hot water tank and ask for a non-metallic anode rod. If you notice an odor from your entire water supply this may be an indication that there are other issues with your water. Please contact us and we can analyze your water to determine the cause of the odor and if additional filtration or equipment is required.
When you wash in soft water, you feel your skin the way it’s supposed to feel – clean and silky smooth. When you wash in hard water, the soap you’re using reacts with the hardness minerals in the water to form an insoluble residue that’s difficult to wash away, resulting in a “squeaky clean” sound/feeling. This is, in fact, your skin sticking because of the soap residue. Soft water rinses your skin and hair better than hard water and doesn’t leave a soap or shampoo residue behind. The silky feeling you experience is actually the natural oils of your skin coming through when not blocked by hard water residue.
Your water softener improves the working water throughout your home. This is the water used for bathing, cleaning and laundry. Softeners are not designed to improve drinking water quality. Drinking water systems improve the water that you use to drink and cook with by removing objectionable taste, odor and other potential contaminants. They are designed to significantly reduce to negligible levels the amount of contaminants that are commonly found in city and well water supplies.
Yes, soft water is okay for drinking and cooking. Since your softener regenerates with sodium chloride (salt), keep in mind that there will be a small amount of sodium added to the softened water. People who are on a sodium-restricted diet should consider the added sodium as part of their overall intake. For the highest quality drinking water possible, a Kinetico Drinking Water System will remove as much as 98 percent of total dissolved solids, including sodium, from your water.
Salt, Filters, and By-Pass
Lift the lid of the brine tank to check the level of salt. If you can see water, it is time to add salt. You can add salt any time there is enough room to accommodate at least one bag. However, keep in mind that keeping the brine tank completely full of salt can contribute to salt bridging, which prevents the softener from regenerating properly. For a standard size brine drum (pictured to left) it is recommended not to exceed 2/3 of its capacity. If you have a smaller size brine drum (short and square vs. round) it is ok to fill it up to the top.
We suggest that you use a good, clean grade of high-purity salt. Kinetico salt is 99.6% pure and is the best to use for your softener. Un-pure salts, such as solar salt or rock salt, may cause a salt bridge (thick block of salt) in the brine drum or may clog up the system with debris. This will cause your system to work inefficiently or to malfunction causing you to experience hard water.
Some water quality may require that we install a filter before your softener (pre-filter) to prevent debris from your water lines or water supply from entering your softener. Some pre-filters can be re-used after being rinsed or soaked in a solution with Iron Out, while others are disposable. For softener filters on well water, we suggest they be cleaned or changed every one to three months. If you notice low water pressure the filter probably needs to be changed more often. Consult page 10 of your owner’s manual for filter change instructions. If you’re unsure of the type of filter you need, check under the lid of the brine drum or simply contact us! We will be able to determine the type of filters your system requires by checking your installation and service history. We’ll even come out and change the filter for you if you prefer. Also, you may want to keep a spare filter or two on hand. We have a salt and accessory sale on the last Saturday of every month. This is a great way to stock up on supplies at a discounted rate.
To by-pass the water softener, turn the by-pass handle in either direction so that the yellow indicator is showing. When the valve is turned to yellow for by-pass, this will turn off water to the system but will still allow water to the house. When the green indicator is visible, this means the unit is in-service and water will flow through the system. The red indicator (visible in the picture to the right) means the valve is closed. No water will flow through the unit or to the house.
Softener Functionality
You should start seeing soft water immediately on the cold water supply. Soft, hot water will be dependent on using the existing hard water in your hot water tank. Please refer to pages three and four of your owner’s manual for more information.
You should start experiencing soft water immediately after installation in the cold water supply. But soft, hot water will be dependent on using the existing hard water in your hot water tank. Once all of the existing hard water in your water heater has been used, you should start experiencing soft hot water. Additionally, you should have a good lather in the shower and a soft, slick feeling on your skin. If you are still in doubt, try testing the soft water supply using one of the hardness test strips provided in your Welcome Package.
This is completely dependent on your household’s water usage and water analysis. Each Kinetico water softener is set up specifically for the household water chemistry. Your softener may regenerate several times in a day if you’re using more water or it may not regenerate for more than a day if your water usage is low. To get information for your individual softener, we can give you an approximation of regeneration frequency based on your water softener model and the number of people in your household. Contact us for this information
This is perfectly normal. It’s most likely the regeneration process when water flows through the softener and cleans itself. Because the Kinetico water softener cleans itself based on the household’s water usage, this could happen at any time during the day or night.
Using a Phillips screwdriver, apply pressure down to the softener valve center screw. This is located on the clear plastic cap dead center on top of the black valve head. Slowly turn the screw clockwise until your hear three to four clicks (they will be fairly quiet clicks) and water flowing through the lines. Remember to apply pressure while turning clockwise. Repeat the manual procedure after the water flow stops to be sure that both resin tanks are regenerated.
The Kinetico By-pass is engineered to be modified to use either inlet to your water softener. This feature allows us to install the by-pass based on the specific plumbing in your house instead of changing the plumbing to adapt to the Kinetico equipment. Your plumber may not be familiar with this unique Kinetico feature